RAFT Finale

February 22, 2008 at 10:55 pm | Posted in uncategorized | 8 Comments

You are a job candidate meeting with an interview committee.  Reply to the interview question, “You have a heterogeneous group of learners in your classroom.  How will you specifically use literacy skills to develop their content understandings?”

On-line Comprehension

February 14, 2008 at 12:12 am | Posted in Content Area Literacy, ICT, literacy | 31 Comments

For the past 3 weekend sessions we have been exploring a plethora of strategies (pre, during, post) for developing content area literacy including vocabulary instruction, think-alouds, reciprocal teaching, Socratic seminars, note-taking skills, and use of graphic organizers just to name a few. Identifying alternative, more authentic sources to a textbook to use within the content areas has also been a focus, but the more I reflect, the more I feel we need to design specific strategies for developing on-line reading comprehension skills. We are still stuck in the “book” mode even with incorporating alternative text sources.

Session handouts from the 2008 TRLD Conference are available
on-line and one I found that connects with the need for a closer examination of on-line reading comprehension can be found under the Friday session keynote: How Reading Comprehension Has Changed While We Weren’t Looking, Donald Leu.

Leu is also part of The New Literacies Research Team at the University of Connecticut where research is being conducted on the new reading comprehension and learning skills required by the Internet and other emerging information and communication technologies. For further information on this research, go to the Publications page where many articles can be downloaded for personal use.

What have you discovered about on-line reading comprehension? Will the tried and true literacy strategies still be effective or even relevant in an on-line environment? What do we need to create, what can we modify, and what should we discard to develop our students’ literacy skills?

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State of Change

February 1, 2008 at 12:06 pm | Posted in uncategorized | 11 Comments
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Literacy is in a constant state of change.  Go to the K12 Online Conference site and watch the presentation by Clarence Fisher  entitled “Globally Literate”.  After watching, read through the discussion comments.  Respond to the following either directly on the K12 blog site (preferred) or here.

  • What is your reaction to this view of literacy?
  • What connections are you making to your content area?
  • How are your experiences meshing together? (class discussions, assignments, Educon, reading blogs, etc.?)

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